General Room By Room Packing Tips

1) Start packing as soon as possible. Dreadful as the task may seem, it will only get more and more stressful as the Big day draws closer – you will be pressed for time and won’t be able to properly organize your belongings and provide them with good enough protection to ensure their safety during transit, not mention how exhausting it will be to pack your entire household in the course of several days. So, start early!

2) Pare down your possessions. Sort out your belongings and make sure you take only items with high practical, aesthetic, or sentimental value to your new home. Do not waste time and money on things that you won’t be able to use in your new surroundings or items you don’t really like or need.

3) Make a moving inventory, so that you can keep better track of your items and have proof of their condition before the move;

4) Make sure you don’t pack any non-allowables. Request a list of the items your chosen movers won’t load on the moving truck for safety reasons and don’t waste your time and energy packing them for moving;

5) Create a packing calendar, so that you can better organize the time you have left until Moving day – make sure you know what to pack when for moving and define reasonable deadlines for the completion of every packing task;

6) Designate a room that will serve as your “packing station” and store all the packed boxes in it, so that they don’t clutter your living space.

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