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How to Move During the Holidays?

EZ Moving tips on how to move during Christmas

1. Prepare for your move well in advance of the holiday season, ideally starting a month before. Allocate three weeks for packing, and hiring a moving company. 

2. Plan the holidays away from your home. Try to ask family members to host gatherings surrounding your move, to make things less stressful for packing.

3. Keep a few holiday decorations out and pack that last, so you can still celebrate the Christmas season without  having to scramble for decorations.

4. Share your new address in your Christmas cards so your friends and family can keep it on file!

5. Start saving ahead of time.

Moving costs combined with Christmas  gifts can be unexpectedly high, so it’s good to budget ahead of time.

6. Hire professional movers

The Christmas season is meant to be spent with family and friends, your time shouldn’t be consumed with the stresses of moving. A moving company saves you time and can handle heavy items, like furniture, fragile artwork, and delicate electronics, allowing you to avoid injury. Hiring movers will enable you to focus on your daily activities during the holidays and keep things as stress-free as possible.

Call EZ Moving for a free quote for your upcoming holiday move!

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